Late May and early June is the time of year that Horseshoe Crabs mate!


if you are out walking the beach and see Horseshoe Crabs along the waters edge, please don't disturb their mating rituals! 

There is a plethora of information on the web on Horseshoe Crabs..... keep an eye out for the links I have provided along the way...



 Did you know that Horseshoe Crabs can go a full year without eating?

and that they are NOT dangerous?

and that they have been around since the Dinosaur days?



And they are really members of the Arachnid (Spider) family and not really crustaceans after all?





If you have some time to kill, you should Google "Horseshoe Crabs" and check out the images of them - they are truly amazing creatures!  








Wishing you a Happy Friday since 2006!

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Updated 06/04/2010 ~ 07:02:07
